Development of franchise and whitelabel SaaS models
Realized through inquiries from public transport companies, increasing capital requirements and VC feedback ("asset heavy"), that in addition to own operations, SaaS models should also be piloted (franchise and whitelabeling)
Conception of business model, commercial terms, legal basis etc.
Designed to scale from the start by creating reusable ones
Sales presentations (including, for example, pain points & solutions, IT system, customization options, brands, processes, permits, support concept, analytics, fees and requirements, etc.)
Discussion guidelines for sales talks with prospects (including language rules regarding possible objections and concerns)
Support concepts (e.g. non-binding introductory meeting, on-site introduction, support with service conception, programming and launch preparation or ongoing support and further development)
Input checklists of supplies to be provided by the customer to set up the IT system (e.g. payment options, algorithm parameters, operating area and times, price formula, terms and conditions, accounts, CI, etc.)
Training concepts to ensure smooth handover (i.e. content, timing, duration, formats, documents and devices, participants, etc.)
Company-specific project management, i.e. sales talks, moderated workshops on service design, the creation of financial plans, project plans, LOIs and contracts as well as launch support
Company-specific product management in MVP development, i.e. assessment of the importance and effort of customer requests and appropriate treatment
Ramp-up of the respective department and successive handover of responsibility
White label or franchise pilot successfully launched with Stadtverkehr Lübeck (LÜMO-Shuttle) or Mediengruppe Madsack as proof of concept